Sunday, February 27, 2005

Halle Berry

A couple of years ago Halle Berry won the Oscar for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role for "Monster's Ball".

This year Halle Berry won the Razzie for Worst Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role for the unfortunate career detour pictured above (as a lifelong comic book fan, I refuse to speak its unholy name...)

A cautionary tale? You be the judge :-)

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3/2 update: A bit of extra respect to Ms. Berry for being a sport (or at least for having savvy publicists) by actually showing up at the Razzies to accept her "award" (and to dis the movie.)


birdwoman said...

I had the dubious pleasure of seeing most of the movie in question because we went to see Bourne Supremacy, and I, being a motionsick freak, had to leave that theater. I spent the rest of the evening between I Robot and Ms. Berry.

If she had taken to the role as Mr. Keaton did to Batman, instead of Mr. West's batman, I think the movie would have been much, much more palatable.


Pamela Goodwin-Daniels said...

All I can say is, "to each his own". I loved the Catwoman movie! I have watched it three times now to see what other people see, and I confess, I cannot see anything but fun. With Aids, Tsunamis, Plagues in Africa, Wars in other countries, including Africa, all that bad stuff in this, the real world. I just can't knock an hour or two of fun!!! Even Adam West's Batman! What's not to love?